So basically, we are nearing the end of a HUGE list of to do's! Yay! This past weekend my mother and I pretty much slaved away with the silk flowers. She manaaged to pop out 6 hydrangea wreaths that we will be using as centerpieces around large hurrican vases. I popped out 15 bouts...& I also made 8 corsages. Phew!
Invites are ready to stuff into their envelopes and mail off! OMG! Happy dance. They have been my labor of freaking love! From the Belly Bands, to printing & slicing the inserts. I am soo sooo soooo PROUD of how they turned out :) In 2 weeks some friends are coming over to a "Invitation Assembly Party", yep basically I am using them for labor. But they will be fed snacks and drinks. Invites go out February 26th!!! I will be taking my sample to the PO to get weighed {insert screams here} The stinker weighs a ton!
In other news, I think I found my MUA! I will be calling her to set up a run through. Best part is that she is very inexpesive and my girls are thinking about going with her for the
WOW...slacker much??

Anyways, there have been a lot of checks in my growing list of to do's.

My invites are about 80% done!!!

Earlier in the week, Joe surprised me with...................................... an HP Photo Smart Printer!!

OMG! I printed my invites VERY apprehensively! But they came out beautifully! Yay! I am soooo glad that we decided to print these ourselves. Beats having to pay a print shop to do what we could've done ourselves. And the best part yet? We get to use this after wedding...SCORE!

I also need to give a shout out to ORANGE 81 from etsy. She was the designer behind my invites...she did a STUPENDOUS job and I couldn't be happier :)
So, since its been forever, I decided to update my blog!

We had some MAJOR changes to our wedding! We moved the wedding from NM, to AZ. And a June wedding in AZ is too blistering! SO we moved the date too :) New date April 23, 2011! 

Yea, for getting married sooner! But, holy crap! I have less that 6 mos to get my %$#% together! 

I found our new venue, got the baker on board, found my photographer, DJ, and recently order invites!

I am going to be sooo stressing very soon! On the plus side I lost a dress size!!! Woo-hoo!
I've been planning for the past 3 months and have decided to blog my misadventures of the planning process of our wedding. Why not have something to look back & laugh at? I am attempting to do most of the details, and paper, jewelry, etc DIY. Come back and visit me & see where these projects take me. 

School starts back soon- so I